Brent is responsible for overall corporate strategy and business direction at Encore Business Solutions. His visionary thinking and leadership style encourages creativity and innovation throughout the organization. Encore’s success is driven by Brent’s strong understanding and passion for technology.
One of Brent’s key strengths is in his ability to communicate the value of information technology solutions to business decision makers. This skill allows clients to evaluate options and completely understand the full potential of their IT investment.
Brent has held leadership roles in a wide range of industries including technology, manufacturing, agriculture and distribution, which have varied from small to international organizations. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from the University of Regina. Brent is an active leader in the Microsoft community and participates in the Microsoft Partner Advisory Council, which is an invitation-only program developed by Microsoft to gather information on forthcoming solutions and go-to-market strategies.
Sevaun Palvetzian, CEO, CivicAction
One of Canada’s leading experts on civic engagement, Sevaun Palvetzian has been CEO of CivicAction since January 2014.
Under her leadership, CivicAction has focused on building inclusive cities with the launch of the CivicAction Leadership Foundation to change the face of leadership in our region and initiatives focused on youth unemployment and mental health in the workplace which level the playing field of opportunity and access.
An authority on urban issues, Sevaun frequently speaks to media and is a member of groups like the Premier’s Community Hubs Advisory and Waterfront Toronto.
Kim Bellissimo, VP – Human Resources & Organizational Development, Centre for Addiction & Mental Health
Kim is responsible for all aspects of the Human Resources function, encompassing talent development and succession, organization effectiveness and development, health and safety, labour relations and volunteer resources.
Kim brings a wealth of experience in leadership development, change management and the creation of innovative Human Resources programs and services. She has successfully led transformational projects with broad organizational impact. Her major accomplishments include developing the OPS Talent Management Program, creating a Tobacco Free campus at CAMH and leading the implementation of the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace. Kim believes in a proactive and strategic approach to Human Resources and has a great track record of building high performing teams.